John Rust
Is Not
A Republican
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John Rust
Is Not
A Republican
Scroll down to find out why

John Rust
Is Not
A Republican
Scroll down to find out why
John Rust
Is Not
A Republican
Scroll down to find out why

Shady John Rust can’t hide the fact he is a lifetime liberal Democrat who is now trying to use the millions of dollars he gouged from families during COVID to buy a Senate seat. Hoosiers won’t fall for it.

Shady John Rust can’t hide the fact he is a lifetime liberal Democrat who is now trying to use the millions of dollars he gouged from families during COVID to buy a Senate seat. Hoosiers won’t fall for it.

Shady John Rust can’t hide the fact he is a lifetime liberal Democrat who is now trying to use the millions of dollars he gouged from families during COVID to buy a Senate seat. Hoosiers won’t fall for it.

The real
John Rust
The real John Rust
- John Rust voted in Democratic primaries in 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012, through the Obama administration1
- John Rust’s farm increased egg prices during COVID2,3
- John Rust’s farm was infested with rodents that caused an outbreak of Salmonella and led to the largest recall of shell eggs in the United States since 20104
- John Rust’s farm was fined tens of thousands of dollars for immigration violations5,6
- John Rust’s farm purchased equipment from Communist China7

Don’t trust
John Rust
The real John Rust
- John Rust has a Democrat voting record1
- John Rust trades with China7
- John Rust profits from our broken immigration system5,6
- John Rust inflates prices2,3
- John Rust makes people sick4
Don’t Let John Rust Fool Indiana
- Breitbart, 7/10/23
- Law Street Media, 9/3/20
- Reuters, 2/16/23
- The Washington Post, 5/16/18
- The Times, 9/26/99
- The Tribune, 8/10/18
- Panjiva.com, Accessed 6/30/23